Hi Jessica,

Thank you so much for this prediction.

It really is a relief to hear! I am Cancerian.

I know this Pluto cycle has been rough on everyone. It has quite literally hit me (and been continually hitting me) where I live, in my home relationships.

Anticipating that shift.

Its what I have been concentrating my Scorpio Weather Astrology Bookings on (final one I did today) and I am really looking forward to seeing what transpires between now and the 29th.

I drew the Star today. I pulled a second card, asking for more clarity around the "How" of this scenario and drew the Page of Swords.

I'm really looking forward to next year and new Beginnings.

Thank you again for detailing this process and sharing it with us all.




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As a Sagittarius, the nine of swords with the sad person makes me feel that I will mostly be sad this year. ☹️ I am moving to a new room on 7 February as my current landlord is selling the house.

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The Fool right, for Libra? Suits me just fine., but it's cryptic... A little worried about the risks you mention: shouldn't I just trust Jupiter? I am moving though, I validate you on that! Lots of love. L.

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