Jessica, wonderful. Thank you. We’ve been waiting for this.

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It delivered for me. I have Mercury 17 Taurus. It’s been a good day.

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China has dropped US treasury bonds in favour of gold. The rammifications to the global stock exchange of this and other dedollarisations are as yet unknown but will be shocking for many.

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May 7Liked by Jessica Adams

Aquarius Pluto His transition my mother is Taurus Aries on the cusp fascinating I Aquarius at 7.00 a.m 02 10 1057. Believe I knew my sun sign any more helpful insights I am so pleased with my life inspiration is so wonderful.

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Looking forward to this…weirdly not much action in the past several weeks🤷‍♀️ Chiron 5 Taurus, Vulcana 25 Taurus.

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I have Chiron at 18 Taurus can you tell me what this might mean for me, I'm a sun Sagittarius.

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Yana, you have a history of seeing what you can get away with financially, with shopping or selling, at auction, with charity, property, business, shares and so on. You take a punk rock approach. Expect a new chapter with this on the New Moon.

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Taurus rising

Libra sun

Sagg moon

North node cap

South node Aquarius

Ruled by Venus. Any insights please

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May 7·edited May 7

Currently have Sun, Moon, Venus, Jupiter, Uranus, Prosperina, and Vulcano all in Taurus right now, with the Sun position is 17 degrees Taurus 37’ 56”. Is this close enough to the 18 degree point that you mentioned in the article to signify big change in my life? Still new to astrology and trying to figure out what all this means for me. P.S. I’m a Virgo sun.

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Despite having a Jupiter in Taurus at 23 degrees, I am still counting my dollars and worried about the next day. Still looking for a job.

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Jo, you just had your Jupiter Return too. That was an opportunity, to take an opportunity.

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I wish Jessica. I was open to anything. Nothing came by. I am so disappointed

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Jo - I have Sun at 17 Taurus and Venus at 24. I have never noted this so-called "lucky" Jupiter transit in my sun sign and Uranus has just been a slog with no forward motion despite my best efforts. I honestly associate money and opportunity more with Jupiter return transits and my moon sign. I use whole sign with the ASC sign as first house - so in my case Jupiter in Taurus is always a 6th house transit. Health issues and day to day graft always come up and expand! They are resolved but only after the transit completes. Protection is there though so keep the faith!

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Sorry just saw you said Jupiter return - not Jupiter transit Sun - doh! Hmm - maybe you have Saturn causing mischief at this time then or something like that. All the best.

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Just wonderful. Thank you!


Jupiter Taurus 18! Feeling this energy and it’s so freeing, liberating and loving!

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Thanks Victoria. I also had my Jupiter Return at 22 Taurus and was offered a new weekly column at a newspaper - out of the blue - Uranus going to 22 Taurus. I'm glad your Uranus-Jupiter conjunction has set you free.

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Had an out of the blue investor funding for a new water technology start up. Out. Of. The. Blue! Talk about Taurus 18 new moon. I’m in shock, awe and can’t believe it! Life changing moments.

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