There is something seriously wrong with RFK Jr. Aside from his years of drug addiction and dealing...his taking credit for the RiverKeeper ecological group and pushing out the founder...his obsession with animal carcasses (sawing off a whale head and dumping a dead bear cub in Central Park)...his relentless sexual addiction and gaslighting of his wife that led to her suicide by hanging...his cheating with Cheryl...and his years of anti-vaccine lies that led to the death of 83 people (mostly babies and children) and the illness in thousands in Samoa in 2019. He showed up in Samoa with wifey Cheryl (who, by the way, encouraged him to side with Trump; her silence is as disingenuous as Melania's) and spread totally bogus info during a measles outbreak. There will forever be blood on their hands. They're both horrible, and he is not just vile but a malignant narcissist desperate for attention.

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Did Cheryl Hines really encourage him to side with Donald Trump? I imagine that Trump MAGA baseball cap episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm must have troubled her...

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No. He was very clear about that. She is not a fan of Trump but believes in her husband and his ability to change this country for the better. Not sure what Karen is talking about but she clearly is listening to msm and the lies about him and not really looking at his lifetime record of helping children, women and nature.



And so many more that have been conveniently buried. Read and listen to his policies instead of regurgitating what you are being told.

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Agreed to all of this. He’s almost as terrible as Trump and it would be better for America if he fades into obscurity.

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Everything you say is well documented. I think Tulsi is his match. The one who is anti-gay. Not very Aquarian. Also, he had to backtrack on his stance regarding Roe v. Wade. He’s a dry drunk. No thank you.

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I checked and Tulsi Gabbard wanted sexuality education out of schools. So that's not really anti-gay or anti-lesbian. The abortion issue will dominate this election, though. Pluto in Aquarius empowers women - historically.

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Read much propaganda? Your "facts" are way off.

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Thank you for looking more deeply at him, Jessica.I feel the woman will be Tulsi and I am definitely here for it!

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The thought has occurred to me that Trump may dump J.D.Vance in favor of Kennedy in the second spot, as a means to revive his seeming downward spiral. It would fit with everything happening in Mercury Retrograde. What do you think?

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Yes, the transition teams, nominations and conventions have unfortunately taken place on Mercury Retrograde. Logically, what you say makes sense. If polls show Vance is a liability then yes, Trump may have Kennedy step up as his running mate. I filed a Substack post some time ago about the ill-starred Vance chart.

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The pairing up of him and Tulsi Gabbard is a power boost to the Republican party which is clearly changing. It's exciting to see the landscape changing.

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Jessica- Are you actually predicting RFK Jr will be president? I do see Trump having a heart attack or stroke. Many astrologers are predicting Trump will win this election. I don’t think so. Transiting Uranus conjunct his MC & square his natal Mars will not catapult him back into the presidency. The Universe has something else in store for him.

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I’ve not predicted anyone will be president, Rose. You can’t do that without reliable data for the two candidates. Harris has it, Trump does not. What I do see for Robert F. Kennedy Junior is a dramatic development in the election and/or the pursuit of the J.F.K. assassination evidence, that enables the whole Kennedy clan in spirit to go to the next level.

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Thank you for clarifying. It’s very much appreciated. 😊

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Thanks so much for looking at RFK Jr's chart, Jessica.

I've been watching him for many years, and have been saying for over 3 years now that he would be in this race somehow. Not by looking at his Chart, but feeling it in my bones.

Its amazing how many people read first what is said about someone, and are only later dragged to hearing what a person says or believes, in their own words, later down the track.

On the rare occasions where he has been mentioned, most people refer to news articles or items that have been said about him. Very few seem to have read/watched direct interviews.

He is highly censored.

That in itself should at least be intriguing to an inquiring mind. But I guess, for many, rather than listening to his words/views and deciding, or perhaps reserving judgement, its easier to outsource decision-making or formation of opinion, to other sources and 'gossip'.

"I saw it on the news....I read it in the paper" isn't really the hot take that it used to be ;)

I don't know what kind of President he will make, but I've listened to his views in his own words, and I'd like to hear more.

Seeing both of these parties radically change would be a great relief to the rotten rut they are both stuck in.

Perhaps the woman in the scenario is Nicole Shanahan? She was his VP pick before he endorsed Trump, though she is a lifelong Democrat, not Republican. I've not heard where she will fit into this new scenario.

I'm just looking forward to seeing things change in unexpected ways, and not getting caught up in the Team A vs. Team B nonsense that is used so effectively to pit everyone against one another.

Its boring and counter-productive.

Thanks again Jessica.


DinP xx

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Something that really will transform America is the end of the two-party system, coming within 20 years. it seems impossible now, but this binary choice is likely to go...

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A new book called, Ask Not: The Kennedys and the Women They Destroyed, by Maureen Callahan, is a much needed look at the viper's nest of Kennedy men, who have for generations, used, abused and even killed women -- just because they felt entitled and the could. RFK Jr. was (not sure about currently) a serial womanizer who cheated on his last wife with hundreds of women, many of them her friends and including Cheryl Hines. He also abused her emotionally in other ways. Not a nice guy. If this book is correct about his character, any connecting he's going to have with a Republican woman is likely to be another affair. Fun book. Gross family that has been revered for too long, for very little legitimate reason.

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I am so happy you finally did this!! I am so excited for what is to come with him. Maybe the woman is Tulsi. The above comments are rhetoric and for those ppl I urge you to listen to what the man has to say and not what is said about him. Unfortunately, much of what remains of the Democratic Party seems consumed by anger and hatred. I am happy to see Kennedy vying for American unity and with thoughtful, polite cohesive explanations and responses. Resorting to insults and denigration based on political choices is both ignorant and immature.

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Thanks Jessica. Such riveting stuff.

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Thank you very much.

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Do you do personal charts?

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Thanks Kim. I only give readings for charity and this year, for BBC Children In Need once again. You are very welcome to join in the bidding, when it's announced on X-Twitter.

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Aug 27
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Cat, can you point to any period of time in which things changed for a while, but then went back to how they were decades before? Were the ‘90s like the ‘70s? Were the ‘70s like the ‘50s? Were the ‘50s like the ‘30s or the ‘20s?

I am an American in my 40s who is very much looking forward to voting for anyone but Trump (an utterly pathetic, uneducated buffoon who wants nothing more than fame and praise to further fuel his desperate narcissism, but has no actual plans to help you or your fellow American in any way, and certainly has no ability or desire to “make America great again” — and, by the way, what does that mean, exactly? Shunning people and forcing restrictions back onto those who had fewer rights in previous decades so that you can keep your power?), so don’t worry, I will vote with Jessica’s same opinions in mind. And I now live in a swing state, so my vote very much counts.

You speak of lost morality but prefer to vote for a convicted felon, rapist, and serial cheater? What grand attributes or ideas does Donald have that override all his terrible ones? That’s a rhetorical question. We all know that it’s impossible to get the cult to open its eyes.

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