Jun 28Liked by Jessica Adams

I didn’t watch the debate on television,but I read Biden lost it and the democrats are talking about replacing him on the ticket.

Although I don’t read tarot cards myself, I read somewhere that the judgement card can indicate. That “ you need to make a life-changing decision… You may be at a crossroads, aware that any choice you make will bring a significant change with long-lasting effects”. Maybe they will replace him. I only saw a little piece of the debate when they talk about golf. I’m

Sorry to say so, but they just reminded me of the two grumpy old men of the muppetshow and not of two candidates for presidency .

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“ a sense of loss”; “a move or emigrate”….could be to prison?! Thank you for this!

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Hallo Jessica! I know very little about american politics or gossip - the only time I got a hint about this was from you posting a photo of the Trumps with the kid riding the lion. The feeling I got was his kids were in deep trouble but he gets away anyway thanks to his wife - proper Goddess pose. I think this goes with the 6 of swords theme, an escape, or? Not enough space to explain all this better, sorry. Love. L.

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The names that are purported picks are: Gretchen Whitmer (Michigan), Wes Moore (West Virginia), Gavin Newsom (California) and Kamala Harris (California).

This is a working list.

My honest opinion is that it may be Newsom/Harris OR Harris/Newsom.

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I would say that without the Tarot or astrology, Tara. They both look right and sound right. The landslide for Biden-Harris could be a second landslide for Newsom-Harris. Harris is 59 and Newsom is 56. That's far more like it!

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Thank you Jessica. And it is a long time until November - a lot can happen.

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Two old white blokes is not really Pluto in Aquarius. And that's where the power goes...

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I see Nikki Haley has her sun either in 29 Capricorn (Knight of Pentacles) or, depending upon her hour of birth, Aquarius at 0 degrees with her North Node at 5 degrees Aquarius. Do not know the reliability of this data, Jessica. It is generally a younger energy for sure, in general, any knight. I see she was born 1972, and the knight is usually mid twenties, male or female, up to their early forties, But the knight may represent a factor in action rather than the individual, natally speaking. Or a voting demographic. There has been a sense in previous card readings of a dark "legally minded" woman looking out of the cards, but whether this has been Nikki Haley, Kamala Harris or another person-the degree of significance- is not clear to me as yet. This person has been represented by the Queen of Swords. I'll be looking again for sure. It is turbulent, and I am uneasy in view of previous turbulence detected in the cards via The Tower, written up elsewhere before the Capitol attack happened.

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That would be Hillary.

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As a lawyer, yes, possibly. And the Tarot can be entirely literal in that way. Though in general without drilling down further, it is not usually, unfortunately for the ease of interpretation, so technically prescriptive. It is a could be rather than a would be. Queen of Swords has a managerial and intellectual quality. May be a lawyer, a businessperson, educator, surgeon, dentist, optician, police officer...or indeed, a career politician.

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So true. From the card you drew, it will be a “young-ish” person though.

In my article about Biden - I remember writing that the transits would cross Biden’s 10th house of Virgo (work/body connection). I don’t want to speculate, but Biden appears to me he’s suffered a mild stroke. That’s just my audio-visual perception of him.

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Maybe a strange question but Is Gavin Newsome as a president and Nikki Haley as vicepresident an option?

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All of these pieces you’ve posted are excellent as always. Just amazing stuff, Jessica. Thanks so much. FWIW I saw an actual living King of Pentacles sitting on his throne with what looked like the skies of Mordor in the distant background. So I think a) you are right, and b) what I saw was a quite bit past the actual election.



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Excellent piece, Jessica. My heart goes out to America & the world if GN becomes President. As a San Francisco resident since the 80’s I have first hand experience of his politics. America will become like San Francisco

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RFKJR’s low percentage has everything to do with the fact that he has been intentionally blocked from the MSM by the powers that be. They lie about him and misquote him yet don’t give him the opportunity to speak his truth and be heard by the American people because they know he will upset their power over the people. The only reason they did not want him to participate in this farcical debate was because he would’ve won by a landslide and that’s not on their agenda. He wants the power back in the hands of the Americans and not big Pharma and corporations (BlackRock, etc). America has become an oligarchy and he is a threat to that. Both of those old men on that stage can be bought. He cannot be. He has shown his commitment to the betterment of this world by his lifetime of advocating for the health and well being of environment and the people. Fighting against huge, harmful corporations (I.e. Monsanto, for one). If you want everything to change…..he is the one. Otherwise, we are just spinning down the drain.

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Thankyou Jessica for your outlook on the future US Presidential campaign/elections/candidates.

From what I saw Biden in the last couple of hours, is suffering from dementia, and will only get worse with time. How can Biden withhold another 4 years in office?

Whilst Trump is still quick as a fox but is he really the best man for the job?

Robert Kennedy is possibly more in tune with the times - environment- however hasn’t had the coverage and support from the American voters, he will not make it to Office...

American Voters - with the enormous influx of immigrants will they be voting?

American Voting system - will American be showing their identification cards this time round? To avoid another disruptive event like 6 January*?

Many questions and few answers at this stage, but dearly hope America does get its act together, as it’s important for a World, considering it’s a nuclear power that should be promoting World Peace.

What are the effects of Neptune and Pluto over the coming months? How will they effect the American elections? Given the rise of AI/artificial intelligence...

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In America the retirement age is 66 and President Biden is 81. He won a remarkable landslide, with Kamala Harris, but given the next term takes him to his mid-80's it may be time to retire. Donald Trump has a criminal conviction and is finishing a long, slow period of decline. I find Kennedy interesting because of the Judgement card in the Tarot. That's the Kennedy dynasty in spirit embracing a change. But of course, this may be because Kennedy's own family supported Biden, not him. If he is out of the race then perhaps that is what they want. Immigration is a long-term issue because of the long transit of Jupiter in Gemini, then Uranus in Gemini which block and stop foreigners/foreign countries, ruled by Sagittarius. So is voter ID, because of the long-term transits in Aries, which rules the face. My website has the rest, Helena.

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The few Kennedy family members that supported Biden (and everyone is hanging their hat on like it is his entire family) are actually employed by the Biden administration so there is that. Also, can you imagine ever supporting a man that denies secret service protection to your own family member running for president when your father and uncle were assassinated in the past? What kind of people are these. This is the first time this has EVER happened to a viable, and yes he is viable, candidate. It’s reprehensible. I can’t imagine this even for someone I don’t support or even like let alone my own flesh and blood, whether we “get along” or I agree with them or not.

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28

All I really want to know is whether climate mitigation and climate change awareness wins. Trump and the republicans will be a disaster for the planet but Joe Biden disappointed me last night- and I’m been doing a lot of work for the democrats!

I guess that is my question Jessica- whoever is going to be president- will there be any action on climate and changing the systems we need to change to survive? On a government level? Can’t imagine how people power is going to work with a Supreme Court that is cutting us off at the knees and maybe a government that is hostile to climate

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The climate emergency is a global issue as it has to solved by all of us (including China) and not just one of us. We have Pluto (the power) in Aquarius (the human family) for 20 years so I am hopeful long-term. No other transit could do it.

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Try with Hillary. She's supposed to replace Biden as a candidate.

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Good idea. Again, Hillary has no reliable chart data so we can't use a horoscope, but the Tarot says 'No.' People politics, with the Republicans, yes. But not one of the cards suggesting leadership, victory or a happy group of Democrats arises.

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28

Well, I just got a three of swords when asking about the next president.

Everybody can fit into that, one way or another. Maybe one should think about who's going to be the most miserable if elected.

Trump, I suppose.

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Everyone should and can use the Tarot for this election. The Three of Swords is your take, of course, but it's a painful three-way decision. This echoes Kyra Oser's prediction (who is of course a professional psychic) that she was unsure about the candidates at the time of writing.

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Thank you Jessica for the interesting takes. What does Michelle Obama look like?

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Golly, that's a wild card. I'll use the Tarot cards to see...no point in using her astrology chart as her birth data is X rated (best avoided). I drew the Five of Pentacles. So that's a 'no.'

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I drew the Five of Pentacles for Donald Trump too, looking at him again a few days ago. I am still not getting a clear line of sight. Frustrating, but there will be good reasons. The absence of a clear answer can be as telling of new factors yet to come in, or indeed, a so called "wild card" not yet in sight on the horizon. We notice the cards that do NOT appear as well as those which do.

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Ok, that's interesting as well. Her name has been bubbling up. Thank you for checking.. Does 'X rated' mean the birth data isn't trustworthy or that it's energetically blocked or something else? I'm happy you're on the planet with me.

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Lois Rodden gave us her rating system in astrology and X means no time. DD is Dirty Data so that's worse. And then there is Trump who has given the authorities two different birthdates altogether. He's a DDD. I'm joking.

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28Liked by Jessica Adams

Thank you Jessica! There's alot DDD's out there.

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