Thank you!

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May 23Liked by Jessica Adams

Thank you so much ❤️🙏

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May 24Liked by Jessica Adams

Aesculapia 00 Virgo. Thanks for supplying the chart Jessica!

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Thanks Jessica.

Astrologers are going to be able to reach millions now that this Japanese AI (Artificial Intelligence) firm launched human avatars that can speak 140 languages. Breathtaking times.

Apparently we can now get an AI companion but that’s another story.

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May 24Liked by Jessica Adams

Thanks Jessica,

Oh I do hope this starts to ease some of the tension everywhere...some big, happy, expansive vibes in the media, rather than the misery and divisiveness that seems to be so pervasive recently.

Or perhaps thats just me! :D.

After the long haul of Pluto in Capricorn opposing my home-life and Cancer stellium, I felt the familiar challenge of Pluto at 02 Aquarius opposing my 02 Leo Moon over the last few days.

But I have Vesta at 00 Aries, and Venus at 00 Virgo, so thats a nice little boost :)

I'm actively working on Astrology Bookings, and advancing my Photography career, whilst reading Tarot alongside a Psychic Medium friend/colleague at some upcoming events.

Thanks again Jessica.

Looking forward to some lightning quick, positive changes.


DinP xx

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Boy o boy have I been awaiting this! Last time Jupiter transited Gemini , 2012, I turned 40 and put everything down to that. Hindsight is a wonderful thing but it's got nothin' on foresight, and since incorporating the asteroids astrologically - thankyou so much Jessica - this time around I'm sensing not just the stellium of personal planets in Gemini in my natal chart is about to get the Jupiter ride but that the first few degrees of Jupiter into Gemini as of next week will big up my natal Venus at 00° Cancer, Vulcano at 01° Gemini and Hygeia at 02° Scorpio before even chiming into my Sun, moon etc in Gemini.

Is it possible to have already noticed a lot of unusually affirming, sweet, loving attention from others? And creative design ideas have been whizzing about so much I can barely get them all down atm.

As for the polylinguist AI for online information - yes please! Mind you, I'm slowly teaching myself Grey Heron, high tide and Wattlebird at the moment, and there's nothing quite like the real experience over interpretations.

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My retrospective art exhibition opened yesterday at the Gawler Community Gallery in SA running til 16th June. I'm a Gemini 14th June, with Taurus Moon, Mercury and Venus. I so long for a home of my own, mortgage free. Any chance?

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Congratulations on your exhibition. The financial hamster wheel ends on December 7th and from that point forward you no longer have to constantly think about how much control or power you do/don't have with the banks and the property market. Pluto and Ceres have gone. Next year and onwards is a different game for you to play.

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My exhibition has been extended until 30th June. Yay! I've also had the good fortune to be filmed for the channel 44 show "Our time" interviewed by Malcolm Harslett. These 11 minute interviews can be found on instagram under his name. My interview films later this month. Then last Friday I was filmed at Joy of Flora vegan cafe in West Croydon (SA, Adelaide suburb) about my palm-reading which I do there the last Friday of every month. And to top it all off the Gawler SA local paper "The Bunyip" arts journalist Imogen interviewed me at the Gawler Community Gallery about my art and the article will appear in this week's paper! Next week on 14th June is my 74th birthday. I feel like I've got lots to celebrate!

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Oohhh interesting thank you Jessica 🙏🌼

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Dear Jessica,

You mention unpaid work, and it has become such an important part of my approach. Thank you.

Wishing you NY Times best seller status for week, months...

Only you get Karmic cycles, Pluto and unpaid work to the core.

We love you.

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Below is my natal line up with a 9 degree Cap Sun. I feel lots of good is coming in my writing career. And I have lots of great travel from June onward. I have not been able to travel for several years so I am very excited!!


Panacea 03° 31' 22" R

N. Node 04° 03' 39"

Psyche 05° 42' 12" R

Jupiter 24° 31' 17" R


Hygeia 00° 40' 24"

Apollo 23° 12' 47"


Mars 06° 20' 30"

IC 12° 30' 55"

Venus 13° 15' 22"

Juno 27° 34' 25"


Prosperina 02° 10' 58"

S. Node 04° 03' 39"

Fortuna 04° 55' 14"

Aesculapia 16° 40' 42"

Mercury 19°30' 25"

Diana 25° 09' 52"

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Yes, you were a writer in your previous life and if you try, will have a hit, a deal, an offer in film, TV or radio - or other success - by your Jupiter Return. June 2025 is the final deadline.

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Dear Jessica- I am a Scorpio with MC in Gemini and North Node in Aries. I am on the brink of getting funding for my project. (it has been a long negative haul for 10 months.) do you think my ship could sail in?

Thank you.

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You will save or make a lot of money by June 2025 if you try, Margaret. The time is now through June 17th (first wave) and there will be other waves ahead, to surf.

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Live with abusive sister. Can't afford anywhere else, no services for me, can't work -health, 50, endured for decades nearly died,. Sun 23 Taurus, Moon 23 Acquarius. Astrology delivery nothing so far (I know final delivery date not yet). No family/friends/contacts. Not speaking about it helps greatly (not in my situation, makes it worse, don't understand, they offer suggestions not relevant to me). Thankyou

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I am sorry you are going through it. Sisters are ruled by Gemini so Jupiter there until June 2025 will offer you a solution with her/about her. I am sorry you are having such a rotten time. You are living with depression, which I am sure you know, and astrology can only take you so far. If you are not already aware of Black Dog here is the link https://www.blackdoginstitute.org.au and of course Beyond Blue https://www.beyondblue.org.au/mental-health/depression?gclid=Cj0KCQjw0_WyBhDMARIsAL1Vz8vsVNuMzQhtyy5GLo4zlm5AYoq4IhqNHSIMadJCK5aKawzT4EO9qhMaAsNWEALw_wcB

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Thankyou for your reply. Wonder what the solution will be, do you know?

Don't have depression, nor anxiety,.Extensive recent & past medical evidence to prove it. It's great people now talk about such things, but the trouble is, people think everyone's got it! I think it's also long questions annoy you, but it had to be that long to explain it/cancel out the social norms everyone projects onto me constantly.

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Forgot to say, think Uranus in Taurus hitting my Sun is: due to parents' death, I will never get back own money put into it, it will all end in a big financial loss for me, and there are many other expenses as well. Thankyou

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Hi Jessica

I have Grand Trine with Jupiter’s move into Gemini… but it includes Saturn 0 Gemini (3H), Pluto 1 Libra (7H) and Minerva & Salacia at 1 Aquarius (11H). Plus, my natal Pluto 1 Libra trining Pluto 1 Aquarius. Does Saturn serve to calm down all the activity at 0/1 in my chart?

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Saturn is not really about calm. It is about heavily gated restrictions. What you cannot get out of, is Saturn. You had this Saturn placement triggered since you were a baby and it likely involves your brother, sister or cousin. We see this in charts where there is sibling rivalry, or a sibling has died before you come along. The Grand Trine is unusual as it connects the sibling or cousin with future partnerships (Libra) as well any duels, differences or conflicts. And it also connects the sibling or cousin relationship with the future of friendships. Pluto going right across this, with Jupiter as well ,suggests a slow year of transformation with this person, or your memories of the same, and thus so many other important relationships.

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Thank you so much, really helpful perspective. Resonates - plus, the sibling, is 20 months younger with Saturn at 2 Cancer!

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Hi Jessica, this is exciting news as I am a Gemini, and my birthday May 25! Does Jupiter going into Gemini on my b-day give me extra good fortune, it's been a hellish couple of years! Thanks🙏🏽

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It's an image relaunch. A better look and a bigger profile. Say yes to every opportunity by June 17th, Olga.

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Thank you Jessica! I'm excited about this year, new projects, and new health regime started months ago so timing is spot on🙏🏽

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Hello Jessica,

Good Article!

Natally, I have Venus in Gemini 4th house…how will this affect me?

My birth info:

Minneapolis , Minnesota



Thank you!

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You have Venus in Gemini in the Third House, Errin. You have a history of complicated relationships with brothers, sisters, cousins and neighbours. Anything here that needs to be resolved, can be fixed until June 2025 and particularly so by June 17th 2024.

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Hi Jessica, my husband is getting treatment for cancer and today we are doing a round of insemination to have another baby. I have 8 degrees panacea in Gemini.

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Gemini isn't babies. Cancer is the family and Leo is babies. So it's really about his natal chart and your natal chart, though if you are a Sun Aquarius you are off to a great start.

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Thank you. In 2020 you told me about the best time to try to conceive and in 2021 my son was born. As you say...Astrology works!

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(Sun sign aqua)

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The most important issue here is your Sun Sign - Aquarius. You are in the best cycle for 12 years to welcome a child into your life. It may be an IVF baby; a godchild; a niece or nephew; an adoption; fostering. You have until June 2025. Jupiter has been a symbol of luck for over 2000 years. Be lucky.

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