Diana Hidden in Charles and Camilla Art
How Diana Haunts the Charles III and Camilla Paintings.
THERE ARE TWO BUTTERFLIES, NOT ONE, HIDDEN in the new Charles III portrait by Jonathan Yeo. First, look at the original painting. The butterfly is on Charles’ left shoulder, but there is a second, smaller butterfly above it, slightly to the left.
The butterfly is at Princess Diana’s neck. She is hidden in his portrait.
King Charles III by Jonathan Yeo 2024. Copyright His Majesty King Charles III by Jonathan Yeo 2024. Photo by Handout/His Majesty King Charles III by Jonathan Yeo 2024 via Getty Images.
Princess Diana’s Butterfly Jewellery
In a moment I will look at Psyche in the astrology chart of Charles III. She is always symbolised by a butterfly and in fact, the monarch has Psyche in his birth horoscope, next to Diana. Both are asteroids.
This is the jewellery worn by the late Princess Diana. Meghan has subsequently been photographed with the butterflies too. One on the necklace, two on both ears.
So Diana has chosen a meaningful way to slip into the painting.
Getty Images/Hulton Royals Collection/Princess Diana Archive
Diana’s Profile In Miniature - Hidden
As an astrologer, the moment I saw the two butterflies in the Charles painting, I went back to his birth chart to look for Psyche.
She is a symbol of immortality. She lives forever. She has always been associated with butterflies. So did the artist, Jonathan Yeo know?
This was a popular Twitter post, showing Psyche Abandoned, the sculpture by Pietro Tenerani (Creative Commons).
If you still can’t see Princess Diana, come back from the computer or telephone screen. She dominates the top left-hand portion of the work.
Diana Emerges Turning Away From Charles
When shrunk in detail, the second butterfly is flying towards the back of Diana’s neck. She is facing left, turning away from Charles.
She is wearing a long-sleeved gown and her famous blonde, upswept hair is there too. Perhaps, two dark jewels in a tiara or headband, showing.
Diana has red lipstick, which still stands out against the red background.
Her make-up artist has given her a dramatic evening look. The second large butterfly, is just above her waist, flying right. Pulling back from the screen might make it easier to see this strange, secret, second portrait of Diana.
Her head is tilted down slightly, characteristic of her.
Diana In the Charles III Horoscope
The asteroid Diana (shown by the letter D) is at 5 Sagittarius in the Charles III horoscope. Psyche is at 11 Sagittarius. They are adjacent. This is typical of astrology, which runs on synchronicity.
This portrait is really a Rorschach Test, isn’t it? You can see, what you want to see. And yet, undeniably, the late Princess of Wales has turned up, with two butterflies to reminds us of Psyche. And there is Psyche next to Diana in the astrological chart. (AstroGold). Psyche has long been a butterfly in mythology. Or, a goddess with butterfly wings.
Meghan and the Diana Butterflies
Meghan, the current Duchess of Sussex, wore Diana’s butterfly earrings on a trip to Australia. Diana had worn them, originally, to Canada.
The official explanation for the butterfly (nobody has even mentioned the second one) is at the BBC.
Diana Butterflies
There are also Diana butterflies in nature, in her characteristic sapphire blue. This one is from the Dreamstime library. It’s a stunning Diana Fritillary. I had to post this on Twitter too.
How Astrology Got Into the Painting
I will leave it to you to see if you can detect Meghan’s image in the Charles portrait. But what a painting.
And what an incredible example of how astrology works, in the real world. It snuck into the frame. Diana slipped into the blood-red shadows.
Lady In Red
In fact, Lady In Red (the Chris De Burgh song) became linked to the Princess.
You can find out more about Psyche and Diana in astrology at my website.
I’ll be interested to hear your thoughts on this instantly famous - and rather controversial - painting of Charles. As a medium, as well as an astrologer, I have to say that something other-worldly has occurred.
Diana Hidden in the Camilla Portrait
I’m grateful to Josephine Duffy on Twitter for posting the portrait of Camilla by Jonathan Yeo (same artist) as Diana can also be found here. She is a ghostly figure, again in the top left corner of the painting.
DIANA IS HERE in her famous Russian Cossack hat and coat. I have adapted the original Yeo painting, obviously trying to match the tones, also adapted in this (uncredited) image of Princess Diana on social media including Pinterest.
So from Yeo’s brilliant portrait of Camilla, and this photograph of Diana at Hedge End Country Park on 7th December 1983 come two new works of art. One appropriately enough, haunting the other. What do you think?
You can learn to paint with Jonathan Yeo here. Both the Charles and Camilla portraits, with secret Diana cameo appearances, are at his Twitter-linked brilliant website.
The Diana and Jonathan Yeo Connection
We use a 12 noon chart for Jonathan Yeo, as his birth time is undeclared or unknown, but even so - any time of birth at all would not change the fact that his Venus at 15 Scorpio is in a conjunction with Diana’s own asteroid (Diana), quite incredibly, at 15 Scorpio.
This is of course the sign associated with sex, death and money. Or in the case of Diana, alleged love affairs, her own unlawful killing and the divorce settlement with Charles as well as her own legacy to William and Harry. The odds of this conjunction appearing in the chart are 364 to 1.
Thanks to Twitter readers for picking up on the connections and on more ghost images of Diana in both paintings. Thanks particularly to Jonathan Yeo’s one-time staffer who gave me her useful insights.
The Yeo and Diana Astrology Links
Diana was born with the Moon at 25 Aquarius, using her 7.45pm chart (she has two, as she gave two different birth times). Yeo has his North Node at 25 Aquarius. You might say, these are ‘the people’s paintings’ in the same way that she was The People’s Princess.
The software is from AstroGold and this is a Natural House System chart, also known as Zero Aries. Can you see anything else in these two charts?
Ooh just noticed Megan 🌬️
I totally agree with you on how other worldly it is. I saw the first butterfly right away- I did not see the second till you pointed it out. Now I see the ghostly figure of a woman with tfw first butterfly on her waist area and the second near her ear. Either the artist was sending a message of his own or was a conduit for spirit.
Actually my first reaction was one I’ve heard on British t.v.shows- “bloody Hell!” Not sure if I’m interpreting it correctly.