Hi Jessica thanks as always for your work. I’ve been reading your latest pieces avidly - I have Fortuna at 29 TA and Jupiter retrograde opposite at 27 SC. Beyond the personal, I have been reflecting a bit on the wider implications of these nodal conditions. Venus the ruler of Taurus rules not only hard currency and fiscal matters of all types, but also art and culture. Aside from unpaid war debt and all the physical losses of lives, land and property, there is also a massive legacy from that time period of the widespread institutionalised, systematic looting of cultural objects and institutions, also the treasuries of sovereign nations. WW2 is considered by many to have resulted in the largest wholesale loss of cultural objects in history. There are still incalculable amounts of artwork and bullion and other treasures missing. You mention the Swiss banks. There are also secret vaults with undisclosed contents and shadowy ownership in Switzerland from that time that remain hidden from view to this day. The work of reparation has continued all these years but the vast majority of all this wealth remains unaccounted for. We still don’t even have an accurate picture of just what and how much was lost. There have been a number of nodal cycles since the war, but not together Uranus in Taurus as in 1938 and now. Personally I hope that it means lost things will be found, returned and seen again. I’d love to read your comments on this.

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Thank you. With that opposition (Fortuna 29 Taurus and Jupiter 27 Scorpio) it will take a while for the full story to be revealed about your finances, valuables, charity, house, business or apartment. The nodes need to move 29, 28, 27 before you will spot the karma from 18-19 years ago. Venus as ruler of Taurus is most certainly about priceless artefacts. As you say, we have had numerous nodal cycles on the Taurus-Scorpio axis since the war, but none with Uranus in Taurus. Europe is only just waking up (it is 8.28am in London as I write this, on Wednesday 19th January) but she is waking up to 1938.

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1938 is important to me as it is the year my mother was born (my family is of Eastern European descent) and the only reason I exist is my parents before they met, each separately left their home country for a better life in the aftermath of the war and settled in Australia. As for so many, that defines their lived experience and it carries a legacy of what was left behind and lost. I have commented elsewhere on this so sorry if you have already read it but it's relevant here so I will repost. I have a sense of what is coming with the nodes shifting into these signs... 9 and 18 and 27 years ago there were very significant changes to my own living circumstances with the dates 9 and 18 years ago being linked very closely to family money. I am a bit nervous about what may be coming now as I'm certain it involves matters of inheritance and property. My 1938 born mother is heavily Taurean (Sun/Uranus conjunct, south node, Moon). My only sibling (younger brother) lives with her (Dad died nearly 6 years ago now) in the family home and is a Libran (born 1975) with a Taurus Moon and south node. He works as a day trader from there. I settled interstate around 9 years ago with my partner and I have Mercury 18 Cancer and Sun 8 Cancer (born 1971). It's pretty clear we are all connected in what is coming. In addition I suspect all this will critically affect one of our current shared household (Scorpio/Saggitarius blend) who is now going through a sticky and complicated combined business/marriage separation involving alot of assets and potentially child custody. Both of these situations have the potential to either directly or indirectly affect our current living circumstances from a financial point of view. It could be very positive for our long range domestic financial plans, but this will likely not happen without things and arrangements becoming 'undone' elsewhere. I cannot shake the feeling the coming astrology is going to shake my very fixed family and our housemate's difficult separation to their bootstraps. It really does feel like an earthquake is coming, and it is better as they say, to bend like a reed.

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Does this mean that I’ll lose my life savings in Euro? 😱😱😱

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You m ight be interested in this reading this book/true story - I found it quite the eye-opener when I read it several years ago and made me think now about the karma you mention. https://www.countrylife.co.uk/out-and-about/theatre-film-music/book-review-joes-war-my-father-decoded-43189

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Thank you Josephine. I love Country Life and this is quite correct, especially about Munich, on a karmic level, in 2022.

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Once again I groggily get myself up for my day to find incredible writing from Jessica Adams on my cell phone. I’ve been mulling over the debts owed from the Second World War as you’ve mentioned them before. My own father passed through France, Belgium, Germany and Austria and I felt his own quiet pain dealing with what was then called “shell shock”. I wish that those who were actually there and suffered unmeasurable loss could be the ones who get paid back somehow.

Outstanding again.

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Thank you so much. Your father's shell shock is exactly the kind of spiritual karma that must be repaid - has to be settled - by some of the nations involved. It no doubt affected your whole family, in so many ways. We are yet to see the nodes go to Scorpio-Taurus but watch what happens to the Euro when they do. The Universe has a unique way of reckoning up/settling up on these cycles.

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One further question- just two nights ago on Sixty Minutes there was a report about an investigation into who told the Germans where to find Ann Franks family. Is that also an example of what you’re speaking of? The father was said to have received a letter after he survived the war but chose not to expose it, for fear of fanning flames. If all this is true, is this the settlement of a karmic debt? According to the report , it was said to be a Jewish man trying to save his own family.

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Yes. My friend (and publicist) Alicia also mentioned this yesterday. There is a developing story about Anne Frank from 1938-1939. In general, the bottom line in 2022-2023 is war debt. War loans, but also unpaid Nazi debt. This cycle can only happen once in our adult lives.

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