Jul 26Liked by Jessica Adams

I asked "Does Kamala win big?" and I pulled the Three of Cups. Celebration!

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Jul 26Liked by Jessica Adams

Thank you SO much for your work. I went to your site to pull a card for the election and The Empress showed her face. Excellent - the women are going to vote the pale stale males out of office.

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Pale stale males! I'm so stealing that!

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Jul 26·edited Jul 26Liked by Jessica Adams

Interesting! I drew the High Priestess when posing the query: "What is to come with the US elections"

Thanks for your great work in this field, Jessica. It's fascinating and I'm learning so much by reading your posts.

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You know , Jessica,I remember a zoom of yours I attended, believe it was April of 2023 for the astrology school- and you pulled a card about the next U.S. election and came up with The High Priestess- and the hive mind of the zoom thought it was Kamala. That same night I dreamt of the American flag upside down, then turned right side up.

What about after the election? How unsettled will it get? What do planetary conditions say about it?

And thank you, as always.

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Thank you for reminding me. I remember that April 2023 Zoom. I am very interested in your dream too. How unsettled is America in 2025? The risk of violence increases, unfortunately. Transiting Pluto will be in a conjunction with the US Mars.

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I pulled JUSTICE.I asked how will the election in the USA turn out? So, We shall see karma paid. A verdict will come.I believe it is the verdict of the American people that trump is a dictator and they will not have it. I believe it is the verdict of women in my country who have HAD IT with old white men running the show.KARMA TIME BABY!! ,I am also empathic and am a tarot/psychic reader since 1973.Mostly personal readings, not political.However,I see clearly this is a verdict being handed down, maybe Trump will even be sentenced for his crimes! Before the election,in September. Kamala will of course be subject to the kind of sexism we have already heard this week but I see the pendulum swinging in this card, back to liberty and the pursuits of happiness and BASIC RIGHTS for women,with Kamala at the helm. The karma will be paid for such insults. I see the LAW being enacted.Justice, is, of course,also a barrister, a lawyer.Trump is not,Kamala IS a lawyer. I see divine timing here, a divine intervention, which is sort of what America needs right now, to avoid what Europe saw in the 1940’s.I pray this reading is accurate!!

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Justice is so interesting. A clear symbol of Libra and this is a South Node in Libra election. Your experience since 1973 as a Tarot reader is very welcome. Libra rules the law, of course and Donald Trump is the first former president to have a criminal conviction. Trump is also on potential prison watch for the classified documents taken from the White House to his Mar-a-Lago residence. We're just not seeing anything like the Justice issue with any other candidate, purely in terms of the law. And as you say, Kamala is an attorney. Thank you.

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Pete Buttigieg does have a baby face. I really like him although I am not sure people will vote for Kamala if he’s on the ticket. America is full of homophobic people. I absolutely love Pete. He’s super intelligent and speaks 8 languages.

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This is great info. Thank you. I have my Sun and Asc at 27. I hope the Uranus 27 transit is kind to me.

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Uranus is the shock and the liberation. It is the lightning bolt and electrical storm that breaks the tension of not knowing 'When?' or 'What if?' or 'How?' Uranus in aspect to your natal Sun brings sudden, unexpected, unique events which ask you to focus on your identity out there. The last thing anybody expected is usually the first thing that happens on a Uranus transit. The last thing anybody expected in December 2020, when I made the Kamala Harris prediction about September 2024, was Biden to step down and her to step up. But here we are. Independence Days, plural, are associated with this planet. So is any revolution which sets you and others free. It takes great insight to see it, but Uranus, for all that it leaves us reeling, is about the radical changes which instantly release you or others from any situation where there are shackles and chains.

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That makes sense. It’s also my 2nd Saturn return as well as Saturn is conjunct my Chiron at 18 deg Pisces. It’s been the most difficult past 90 days. I’m a wood snake so maybe next year will be better since it’s a snake year. 🙏

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I have a Venus Mars trine at 24° in my natal chart. Venus is in Aquarius and Mars in Libra. Although not exact when Uranus reaches 27° I know it’s still close. Any thoughts?

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So I gave it a go. Asked the Tarot on your website to show me the next U.S. president and pulled 6 Wands. Could be Kamala certainly in looks, and in a couple of not so happy faces in the crowd. If it were Trump, perhaps the Tower would show up.

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Interestingly enough, I was considering three candidates when I asked about the US election and the card I pulled was the three of pentacles. This card makes sense to me. I am wondering what you take is on it. Thanks Jessica.

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The Three of Pentacles shows a jester/joker, a monk and a person who is dwarfed by the situation. They are looking for money which may (or may not) be there.

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I drew the Page of Cups. Here I was convinced that Kamala would pick Mark Kelly as her VP, but now I am thinking it could be Pete Buttigieg. Thoughts?

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The Page of Cups can be a girl or boy, and is certainly extremely young. Younger than a knight, for a start. It shows a flamboyant pink/blue clothed character holding a fish, half in and half out of a cup...

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Jul 26Liked by Jessica Adams

I was thinking she is going to go with Shapiro.

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Jul 26Liked by Jessica Adams

As a Pennsylvanian I hope she doesn’t pick Shapiro. We can’t lose him right now. Kelly’s seat isn’t up until 1/3/2029. I know they would have to do a special election in 2026 after the democratic governor appoints someone to replace him, but I am confident the seat would remain in the hands of the democrats. That means we have a democrat in that seat for a few more years.

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Kamala Harris running for USA presidency optics are outstanding. And it is refreshing for women to see. Groundbreaking. But just as a Trump victory will carry the gender politics into a Christofacist backslide for women, it is assured that a Harris victory will incite a backlash of all backlashes against women as the ' blindspot ' of gender politics in the USA is opened up. Either way, women will be dealt a powerful blow by this problem in the cultural and political life of the USA - the woman problem. Are any of us ready for what next, to carry the circle constructively to change? Optics alone will be a distraction. Where's the substance? Are the people hungry for change? Are the systems pliable enough for change? What holds the woman problem in place in that nation is what we're gonna get front row seats for. If there are enough visionaries and radical materialisers of revolutionary change we'll see one of those epic woman rising moments.

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I had pulled a 10 of swords card previous to Biden stepping down, which in answer to my question, who will win the election —I interpreted to read that Biden ultimately wins by throwing himself on his sword so to speak—excuse the pun:-)

This time I asked a more nebulous question. How will the election turn out— and I got the three of swords—you know, the one where nobody withdraws, which I interpreted to mean a contested, election and emotions running high throughout the country.

I pulled a second card for clarification and I got the nine of cups. If I were interpreting that for myself personally, I would say that Harris wins in the end. But whoever wins, has somebody ready to pounce that they’re unaware of.

Anyway, fwiw, and thanks so much as always. This is fun.

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Jul 27Liked by Jessica Adams

Slightly off-topic anecdote— before Biden stepped down. He said something that stoped me in my tracks and that was that “Trump is about to be challenged like he’s never been challenged before”.... my first thought was that has to be Epstein. I doubt it’s Harris because he himself had doubts that she’d be able to win against Trump before he stepped down. So anyway, there’s that.

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I picked the ten of swords. Does this mean she is about to get stabbed in the back from many sides, but still survive? I love your work, and look forward to following this thread.

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What you actually have, Vicky, is a card showing either the Democrat or Republican party, as one, having a Julius Caesar moment. So, ‘Et tu Brutus’. It is a symbol of a group turning on an individual. If yo asked ‘Who wins the US election?’ then your E.S.P. is telling you ‘This is what wins’ instead.

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I asked who will be the next president in the US and had the two of swords, interesting too

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The Two of Swords shows a dark-haired woman having to make a decision to attack or defend from both sides. Very interesting. Thank you.

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Jul 27Liked by Jessica Adams

Saw Kamala in an interview just now, with crossed arms ;-)

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Yes, I thought that too, such a great idea of yours again, to ask tarot via group. I often have the feeling tarot doesn’t answer direct to my question but changes my question in order to give the appropriate answer, because to me it also shows Kamala’s momentarily situation and not only after election

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I asked “ How will American society feel after this election?” What will the vibe throughout society be? Division or unity? I pulled the Five of Pentacles. The picture looks pretty bleak on the card but it says it is a card of hope?

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Good question to ask. The issue is US healthcare. There is hope for funding for the poorest, however.

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In answer to your question, I went to your website and drew the devil card. 😐

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The Devil shows a man and woman, naked, chained to their respective plinths while the devil looms above. It is traditionally about a couple who are in, or were in, a sexual relationship, grappling with what sin is. It is possible for them to break free. Possible for them to liberate themselves.

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Jul 26Liked by Jessica Adams

Perhaps her affair with Willie Brown will be brought up as a last ditch effort to discredit her

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I think attempts to make any of her grown up dating into an issue will backfire.She is smart as a whip and is not going to tolerate nonsense!! Trump has no room for that..as he has 5 children by 3 wives and cheated on all 3 of them.

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