EVERY ASTROLOGER IS TALKING ABOUT PLUTO ENTERING AQUARIUS. This new horoscope cycle will begin changing your life from the final week of March 2023 and it will not stop until 2044.
Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd 2023. It will move alongside Uranus in Gemini too, making the Twenties just like the 1780’s.
They had hot air balloons (Uranus rules new inventions, Gemini rules short journeys).
We will have alternative ways to travel which are not even dreamed of yet. Tesla cars may look positively old-fashioned alongside what is to come.
The hot air balloon was invented by the Montgolfier brothers, Joseph-Michel and Jacques-Étienne, in 1782 on this Aquarius-Gemini cycle, but what is to come by 2044 will be just as exhilarating and liberating.
Small groups of people sharing radical, thrilling new ways to move around the local area and into neighbouring regions? Check. We just don’t know what it is, yet, but in 2024, when Jupiter enters Gemini, we’ll see signs.
The New United States
1778-1782 carved up America into new ‘United States’ and we will see another version of the Articles of Confederation from 2023-2044.
America’s territories and map will be renewed. Gemini rules the neighbours. Aquarius rules the group. Uranus and Pluto are deep change planets.
You don’t have to be an astrologer to see that the US is divided between pro-abortion and anti-abortion electorates.
Internal borders and territories are going to shift, partly because of differences between Democrats and Republicans. As Canada is America’s neighbour, it will also involve her. A radically different US-Canada border?
Ireland, England, Scotland and Wales
THIS IDEA OF NEIGHBOURHOOD CHANGE includes the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Irish independence came, the last time Pluto in Aquarius met Uranus in Gemini.
Ireland will again change her ‘neighbourhood’. A reunited Ireland is likely. Scotland will leave England. All the horoscopes for Scotland say that.
Air Signs - Human Air-Conditioners
If you have anything in Gemini and/or Aquarius you will be in your element from 2024, when Jupiter goes into Gemini alongside Pluto in Aquarius, and particularly from 2026, when Uranus goes into Gemini too.
The phrase ‘in your element’ refers to astrology. Aquarius and Gemini are air signs. This is where you circulate, like an air-conditioner or fan.
Gemini rules short journeys, the neighbours, the media and internet. Aquarius rules groups and friends. (Image: Siebe/Unsplash).
In Your Element From 2024
You will be in your element from 2024, because people power is something you can plug into and in fact supply, if you have Aquarius factors. If you have Gemini factors you can find the words or images to send a message.
The idea of circulating locally or regionally is intrinsic to Gemini and it suits Aquarius – the group of connected friends. Even under water. When we saw Pluto in Aquarius and Uranus in Gemini in 1776, a new submarine was invented. In 1779 the first iron bridge arrived.
In the Twenties what connects us will be digital and we will see new real-time translation in virtual spaces where the whole world communicates together.
Tribalism and the Twenties
TRIBALISM IS AQUARIAN and every time we have seen Pluto go through Aquarius we see the triumph of the tribes.
In 1778 Captain Cook was killed by Hawaiians in 1779. In Australia, where Captain Cook essentially led a British invasion of indigenous land, all future currency will feature Aboriginal Australians. It begins.
In 1778 Virginia stopped slave imports. In 1780 Delaware followed and Pennsylvania began gradual emancipation; Massachusetts begins to abolish slavery.
Aquarius is about equality, community and diversity. Pluto always changes the balance of power. In the Twenties we will begin to see financial compensation payouts for the descendants of slaves. The Commonwealth will lose Caribbean nations.
Sharing the New Aquarian Ride
Friendship is Aquarian. This is of course the era of “a firm league of friendship” for what would become known as the United States of America.
If you have Aquarius factors in your Eleventh House of old and new friends, then watch what happens in the final week of March 2023. Take your time as you accept. It will change you.
The Aquarian framework of tolerance, friendship, space and understanding between tribes is very important to Millennials; born with Uranus in Aquarius or Neptune in Aquarius, they will experience Pluto in Aquarius in conjunction with their natal Uranus or Neptune from 2023 until 2044. These are the new voters and politicians. (Image: Bubeck/Unsplash).
Feminism and R.E.S.P.E.C.T.
Feminism is central to Aquarius. In fact, every Pluto in Aquarius cycle has produced female leadership. The United States will probably have its first woman President by 2044 and it may be much sooner than that, given Kamala Harris is Vice-President as this is published in February 2023.
The tribes (different religious beliefs, different skin colour, different lifestyles) of Aquarius are at their most powerful when united. 2023 will bring an end to a minority of men claiming to be women or girls, and taking female space. Welcome to the new trans rules, by 2044. As Aretha Franklin said, it’s all about R.E.S.P.E.C.T.
Climate Emergency and Covid
The other two potent reasons for Pluto in Aquarius people power (form one planet) are Climate Emergency and Covid.
The United Nations and W.H.O. will be replaced or transformed from 2023 and finally become effective organisations, having failed so far, to stop the two big threats of our age.
Other typically Aquarian groups, the Commonwealth and NATO, will also be replaced or transform. Pluto changes us.
We have the solution to Covid, the flu and colds. It’s safe ultraviolet light, also known as UVC, UV222 or Safe UV. Strangely, ultraviolet is emitted from the constellation of Aquarius. It will become commonplace in the Twenties.
Goodbye Pluto in Capricorn
You don’t get Pluto in Aquarius without the end of Pluto in Capricorn.
Join me at The Astrology Collective on the weekends of 5th February and also 12th February 2023 to talk about this new Aquarius-Gemini cycle on Zoom; the end of the old Capricorn system (not to mention Donald Trump) - and the beginning of a completely new way of travelling, communicating and sharing.
The Astrology Collective will run the second weekend Zoom event across February 11th and 12th. This is a ticketed event. Premium Members always have access to complimentary admission events: see Astrology and Tarot Meetups for details. Thank you.
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